Pure Terpenes: Enhance Your Experience With Our Delicious Flavors
Showing 25–26 of 26 results
Showing 25–26 of 26 results
Even though Pure terpenes are not psychoactive, they can influence the amount of THC that reaches the brain. This interaction is known as the “entourage effect.” The altered uptake means that the effects of your base strain could be intensified and enhance your high.
If you want to use terpenes to recreate the effects of a specific strain, try our Strain Specific Terpenes. Or if you just want the flavor without the intensity, go for one of our flavored liquid products.
If you’re new to these products or want some advice, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team. They are really friendly! We are here to help you get the most out of our products and use them safely. Shop our Pure terpenes now and enjoy an unparalleled experience with our liquid products.